Should she even by flying? Over” Dai Etsu asked of Maiha. “Our current Empress is not one to be taken lightly. They have a mobile airfield for both rearming and refueling.” Maiha quickly explained with a nasty chuckle. And with the Akagi making landfall with our resupply dropships. The last time I checked the Wraths have cleared eight Cheesehead fighter squadrons already. “Who said they’ll be unprotected? The last time I checked we have the deadliest fighter squadron flying top-cover for this little operation. How are we going to deal with that? Over” Nanase asked sharply only to heard a giggle in answer to her question. The second our supply ships liftoff they’ll come under attack from the Cheesehead air forces. Also, our dropships don’t have to worry about moving to stay in reach of our advance. We can forage for what we need from the local area far easier than they can. Our supply chain isn’t tied downed to just one point.” Maiha chucked over the radio. The Cheeseheads are trying to spread us out. Over” Katsumi asked of the second most experienced warrior in their lance. “Koneko Mistress is right Mountain Mistress we should reached their front-line trace long before now. Over” Alice pointed out from her position in their formation. We should have slammed into a blocking force at the bare minimum by now. “Mountain Mistress, Typhoon Maiden has a valid point. “Typhoon Maiden you will calm down and follow orders. Over” Nanase bitched over the privet frequency used by the Wave Dancers. “Someone want to tell me where the Cheesehead counteroffensive is? I mean shouldn’t they have at least tried to stop us from landing and forming a beachhead. As if they moved like ghosts of the battlefield. More than one person had commented on their movements. The main reason for this was the way that they moved. If they were the Scouts for Maiha’s little army the Gorgonzola army would most likely have run with their tails between their legs. At first sight the seven monsters of war were enough to give any god or goddess pause. Yet of all the units under her command on Apollo 6 only her command lance was made up of 100-ton assault APS. That vanguard consisted of more than fifteen regiments. The massive war machines moved with such grace that even the most seasoned mercenary APS pilots were having trouble following them.īefore Maiha and family marched the vanguard of her mercenary army.

As the seven 100-ton Assault Sword class Armored Power Suits moved through the grassy plain they left behind almost no trace of their passing. To Maiha’s let were Dai Etsu in Snow Mountain Warrior, with Nanase and Nanami in Typhoon Maiden and Tempest Maiden. To her right strode Alice in Puss-in-boots, followed by Fuyuko in Monsoon Warrior, with Reverend Mother Katsumi in her CM-3R Claymore. Maiha Nakatoma settled her SA-7B Katana APS Victory Maiden into an easy pace as they crossed the grassy plain. Jaded Savanna, Southern edge of Northern Continent, Apollo 6 Robert Wolff youngest great grandchild of James Owens’ sister Cecilia Owens.

One who shall be baptized in the blood of the Empire’s enemies.

A world that is even now poised to give birth to a new legendary warrior. One so harsh that only it could claim to be the birth world of James J. The world of Apollo 6 is one of the harshest worlds within the Empire.

It was on one of these worlds that gave birth to a legend. The citizens for the Human Empire of this border region are loyal to the last man, woman, and child to the Empire. For 35yrs the border between the Human Empire and Gorgonzola Empire as remained mostly peaceful.